After graduating from college Sean Aiken struggled with the question “What should I do with my life?” So he created The One-Week Job Project. His goal: to work fifty-two jobs in fifty-two weeks in search of his passion.
He traveled across Canada and the United States reinventing himself as a firefighter a stock trader a radio DJ a martial arts instructor an NHL mascot a snowshoe guide and more.
During the course of his seven-day stints Sean discovered many others struggling to answer the question “what should I do with my life?” To find the answer he continued to ask himself and his employers about the nature of success and the real meaning of happiness – all while having the adventure of his life.
“I was inspired on so many levels and touched by so many of the stories.”
— – Robert Manolson, Powerful Play Experiences
“This film isn’t just for recent college graduates. I, who am happily employed at a wonderful organization, enjoyed watching this film, too, because Sean does a great job of verbalizing what it is that makes a job fulfilling. Great work guys!”
— Beth